> エディタ | 小技 >
次に、投稿エディタの URL の postID 部分を、削除してしまった投稿の ID に差し替えたものにアクセスします。すると、削除したはずの投稿が、内容そのままに投稿エディタで難なく開けてしまいます。あとは、公開するなり、保存するなり自由にできますね。
差し替えるべき投稿 ID(postID)はというと、削除する前の時点で、HTML で投稿のタイトルのすぐそばに書かれています。
次に、投稿エディタの URL の postID 部分を、削除してしまった投稿の ID に差し替えたものにアクセスします。すると、削除したはずの投稿が、内容そのままに投稿エディタで難なく開けてしまいます。あとは、公開するなり、保存するなり自由にできますね。
差し替えるべき投稿 ID(postID)はというと、削除する前の時点で、HTML で投稿のタイトルのすぐそばに書かれています。
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<a href="http://kuribo-test.blogspot.com/2012/01/blog-post.html">投稿削除のテスト</a>
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<h3 class="post-title entry-title">
<a href="http://kuribo-test.blogspot.com/2012/01/blog-post.html">投稿削除のテスト</a>
1.誤って投稿を削除してしまった後、すぐに検索サイトからブログのキャッシュデータを表示して、HTML ソースを確認し postID を見つけます。FeedBurner など外部のフィードサービスからも確認できると思います。
2.Blogger の投稿編集画面を開き、末尾を見つけた postID に書き換えた URL にアクセスします。
2.Blogger の投稿編集画面を開き、末尾を見つけた postID に書き換えた URL にアクセスします。
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We are one of the most reliable, and independent third party technical support service provider, providing 24/7 online technical support services for canon printer, brother printer, hp printer users in very nominal charges. Our printer experts have extensive knowledge to set up brother wireless printer in the simple ways. For brother wireless printer setup, you can call our experts immediately. Other services we provide are online games, email related issues and many more. Some of the key area of support are mentioned below.
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Thanks for sharing this post, Hello! I am ushimitucozz, a talented techie with over 15 years of experience in delivering quality assistance regarding Brother Printer error issues. Many of the users have reported that their brother printer not printing and they seek guidelines to know why this happens and how to fix it.
ReplyDeleteIn case you don't fix ASAP procedure, Epson printer technological crashes can be really deadly. If your product is in the warranty era, then we recommend you to take immediate Epson Printer from the support team of Epson. But if your warranty has already expired, taking technical support from third parties will benefit you
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ReplyDeleteExperts suggest canon printer troubleshooting to resolve common printer issues like-
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This option helps users to identify the cause of the issue and makes troubleshooting much easier. If you are unable to fix your printer issue on your own, call the printer technical support executives immediately. They will identify the issue and help you in fixing it over a quick call. Now get the printer support you need anytime day or night and our executive will be ready to serve you.
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ReplyDeleteDo you get stuck with Roku Error Code 014.50? It’s time to resolve the error code using the appropriate troubleshooting guide. Before you begin the troubleshooting, you need to understand what cause the error code. The error code 014.50 indicates network connectivity issue. You can try improving the wireless signal strength. Also, avoid the interference that weakens the signal.
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